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Kamalia News & New daily News M Usman , Mubeen , Umar , ShaNo RaNa , Haidar


Technology & Science

IBM earns record patents in 2018, India 2nd highest contributor

8 Jan, 2019, 10:17PM IST

They developed an AI-based approach for structured representation and classification of noisy and unstructured data in tickets used in service delivery.

Security agencies can now monitor any information generated, transmitted or received in any computer
How collaboration apps foster digital transformation

Popular collaboration tools are helping Accenture, Autodesk and others save money, increase efficiency, drive innovation and improve communication throughout their organizations.

Have employees or temporary workers who need to share a Windows 10 computer? No problem — here's how to do it.

Computer Science News
Severe Limitations of 'Deep Learning' Machines 3D Atomic-Scale Quantum Chip Architecture DNA Design That Anyone Can Do Computational Logic With Light

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